
Showing posts from 2022

Melas! 🐳

Good morning everyone,       It has been a while since I have written a post. Been a crazy year and I'm trying to get some of my ideas down on paper. But I do have a book that I just recently created and have out on Amazon and Barnes and noble as well. If you couldn't tell already by the title *very subtle*, it's all about a whale! Something different for me but I loved created this idea and teaching children something new that may have been overlooked or a new way of looking at it.       A whale going around and looking at people from the shore is nothing new to animation, but the way this whales interacts with others, it's a new idea and I love it. ❤️       If you would like to see it, here is the link to my book.  Australian Coast with Melas Enjoy your days and always dive into a new world once in a while. Books are an excellent pla...