Stuck on a new idea...

Hey guys, So I've been busy at work and reading a lot of books. I started working on a new story and then I stopped writing because I wanted to finish a book I started to read and didn't want to get the two mixed up. It is like each part of our brain files things away in different spots. But sometimes they can get mixed up in the shuffle. I have then since been reading books and not getting back to this one I created. But I will soon and it is a different one then what I have created. It takes place in this modern time, but it has that old school feel to it. This shows up with the décor and how men used to treat women, what you would do if something happened in different situations, etc. Yes, it is all about a woman, (men are in it too) but the state of mind and why she is on this journey will surprise you. I would love to get back to it and give you an update soon. But to hold you all over, here is ...