New Poems & Short Stories Book!

Hello Everyone, 😉 I wanted to give you some feedback on my new novel that will hopefully be out for you all before the holidays, as well as a book that I have just recently approved. My new Novel will be out hopefully before the holidays. It is in the editing process and is almost done. Well, by the end of this month it will be. Then I will work on the cover soon. For one that has just been finished... I created another short stories and poems book, but this one is a little different then the last one. It focuses more on someone's perception of life, death, and what they believe is going on in the world. Some stories are even about where a person is, and you don't expect what happens at the end. It was a fun book to create and I loved making them! It does take at least 24 to 48 hours to come up for sale on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I will post something on my Facebook page ...