New Children's Book! :)

Hello Everyone! I'm excited to tell you that I have just released a new children's book on my Amazon page! It is different and has a new character that many people do not seem to think about much. It will take between 24 to 48 hours to be up on my amazon page! Sometimes it takes a shorter amount of time. Who remembers what a prairie dog looks like? not many do. They sometimes associate it with a beaver because of where they live and the size of the animal. Along with some other animals. But a prairie dog lives on land and in the ground. They also are in groups and rarely are ever alone. I hope you enjoy this story and the meaning behind what is being said between all of the prairie dogs. Even though there are some things that many of us take for granted and don't realize what we have, it is sometimes easier to read a story, and that will sometimes remind us about what we have in life. Sometimes it will tell us what we may have lost or wish we had again. Thi...