New *Different* Book Published

Hello Everyone! I know that I have been saying that I am working on a story and completing others. I am creating this post to give you an update. I have just finished writing another novel. It is not a part of the Lupus series, but it is a story that I really have enjoyed making. It has a lot more of a twist to it and the distance is longer when it comes to where the characters go and their own inside situations. I will give you more of an in depth detail of this story soon. But I am really writing to you all because of a different book that I have just self-published. The book is called Feelings, Life, a Different World The book is currently not available on or for 3-5 business days. But because I have just approved it today, it should be up by July 5th the latest at least. I hope :) This is a difference from what I have created and published, but sometimes it is a nice...