
Showing posts from July, 2015

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Hey People, So.... this is what's up with my writing: I am not working on any of my stories because I have been busy with my current job. It's full time and 38 hours a week. I also recently went on a short vacation cause I needed it. ;) I have wrote two short things which are not poems and they will not develop into stories. They are just short excerpts that I wanted to write because I had that urge to and knew that if I didn't write it down, it will soon disappear as soon as it came. I love those moments but hate them if I don't have anything to write it down! This time I did. I may post a little something one day. As for me sending out anything, I have not because I have not found a company that takes my genre of a story. It is hard but maybe one day. I don't know. Anyways, I hope you all are having an awesome vacation or if you are somewhere else, have fun and don't stop working on things that you love to do. Maybe one day that will be you...