Sending Update ...

Hey everyone, So last time I put up a blog it was about sending out my stories to publishing companies and seeing if anyone would pick it up. Unfortunately no one wanted it..... Some said that they were either not interested or they did not take the sort of story I was sending to them. They were all nice though in their e-mails and I was happy that they took the time to respond back to me. I had one company with a publisher that I got all the way to the point where he/she wanted to read the first few pages. After a little while about waiting for an answer, I recently received one saying that they were not interested at this time. (To me that's they don't want it) It was nice for them to give me feedback though about it. Hopefully one day I will be picked up by someone. Even though all of the answers were no, I am still going to write because I love to do it. *Hugs* - Jess* "Tell...