
Showing posts from 2015

Website up and Photos!

Hello Everyone! I have some awesome news!! My author website page is officially up and running (without ads and with my own name). It will have all of my books I have written and you can contact me through the website as well. I of course, will still be doing blog postings because this is where all the details are. But if you would like to know anything else, come visit my page! It is: My other social media links are at the bottom of the page as well. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments section of this post! Oh yea, the pictures from my book signing are also up on my facebook page. :) Here is the link:    p.s. there are not many photos in this one. but it was still a great time ;) I promise I will create more blog posts soon for...

Butterbit's Winter Book Signing!!

Hello Everyone, Sorry for the short notice about all of this. I am having another book signing at the Garfield Public Library on November 21st! (This Saturday) The time is 10:30. It will be in the basement of the library. I will have copies of both of Butterbit's Adventures as well as my novel of Lupus. If you are interested in any of them and could not attend this event, I will post my website for these books. If you would like a copy of the first Butterbit book, I will gladly take orders on this blog too. My e-mail is:               My website for the other books:                 You may contact m...

More updates

Hey People, So.... this is what's up with my writing: I am not working on any of my stories because I have been busy with my current job. It's full time and 38 hours a week. I also recently went on a short vacation cause I needed it. ;) I have wrote two short things which are not poems and they will not develop into stories. They are just short excerpts that I wanted to write because I had that urge to and knew that if I didn't write it down, it will soon disappear as soon as it came. I love those moments but hate them if I don't have anything to write it down! This time I did. I may post a little something one day. As for me sending out anything, I have not because I have not found a company that takes my genre of a story. It is hard but maybe one day. I don't know. Anyways, I hope you all are having an awesome vacation or if you are somewhere else, have fun and don't stop working on things that you love to do. Maybe one day that will be you...

Sending Update ...

Hey everyone, So last time I put up a blog it was about sending out my stories to publishing companies and seeing if anyone would pick it up. Unfortunately no one wanted it..... Some said that they were either not interested or they did not take the sort of story I was sending to them. They were all nice though in their e-mails and I was happy that they took the time to respond back to me. I had one company with a publisher that I got all the way to the point where he/she wanted to read the first few pages. After a little while about waiting for an answer, I recently received one saying that they were not interested at this time. (To me that's they don't want it) It was nice for them to give me feedback though about it. Hopefully one day I will be picked up by someone. Even though all of the answers were no, I am still going to write because I love to do it.             *Hugs*     - Jess*    "Tell...

Waiting for Replies

Oh My God! ....... I don't care what anyone says about sending out your manuscript - a novel, children's book, poem - it is agonizing when it comes to waiting for an answer! 0_o There are so many different ways that publishing companies want you to have your paperwork sent to them. It is just like applying for a job. You may think that it is the same way as the last, but it is not. I think the only thing that is the same between all publishing companies is they want to know the genre, word count, and the title. As well as what in the world is this story about. I think personally that as long as you have the basics down and you write to them in a nice manner, they should reply to you at some point. Waiting............              One of the worse things ever!                          To me anyways......

Sending and waiting...

Hey everyone! I know I have not posted anything in a long time. Sorry about that. I have been working with my new job and trying to send out my stories as well. There were only two places that I have tried and I am looking for other ones that are interested in the type of stories that I write. It is one of the most hard, difficult and longest processes (I think anyways) when it comes to the book selling world. Once you have a publishing company that will back you up, then it is all in your hands and someone else's. You are not working alone. But it is very hard to have anyone listen to you or to agree to read your manuscript. I look at it as the business world, which it really is. If they don't like it or don't believe that your story will be a bestseller or no one will buy it, they will not choose your story. No matter how long it is, how great it is, or what you may hear from the people around you that has read your story. I am trying my best and will soon create...