
Showing posts from November, 2014

Another book signing!!

Hey! I am having another book signing for my children's book! I'm in the process of creating another children's book and a supernatural one. Yes, it is a lot but when I am in the mood to write and create something, I do it. It is in the same place that my other signing and children's book reading was:              December 6th              Noon time              Garfield Public Library              Garfield, New Jersey The time is listed above and everyone is invited. If you want to bring your children, of course it is allowed! It is for the children anyways. :) I will be selling my children's book and giving out my card to look me up in other places on the internet. I look forward to seeing everyone there! *hugs* - Je...

News... in the Works!

Hey Everyone, Sorry that I have not posted anything in a while. I have been busy with a few things. Now that the holidays are almost here, I will be doing more running around with Christmas shopping. I have another Butterbit book that I have created but it is still in the works of being finished and made into a book. As for the older readers, my book that I have been working on is still being made. This book is going to be a longer process then the Lupus book that I have published. It will have more action and characters and blood and..... well, you will see in time. :p If you want, here is a hint for my new book... : * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ********* ********** *********** ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * * * hey! I like the show :D If there is any more exciting news, I shall let you all in on it. Oh yea, almost forgot. There is going to be another book signing in December. It will be a Sat...